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UBC engineers recognized for innovative new pulp screen technology

The British Columbia Innovation Council (BCIC) has awarded two Mechanical Engineering faculty members and their collaborators the 2008 Lieutenant Governor’s Technology Innovation Award.

Mechanical Engineering professor recognized for industry collaboration

Pratt and Whitney Canada (P&WC) has recognized Mechanical Engineering professor Yusuf Altintas as one of six P&WC Research Fellows across Canada for his academic excellence and outstanding contribution to P&WC technology programs in the field of manufacturing.

UBC engineers receive ALSBC Awards of Excellence

UBC Mechanical Engineering’s Brace Team—students Paul Hahto, Angela Melnyk, Liz Arnott, Isaac Herscovitch and instructor Mike Van der Loos—has won the inaugural ALS Society of British Columbia’s Excellence in Engineering Design Competition for Flexi-Brace, a dynamic neck brace.