Why Mech?

Are you a creative thinker? Do you enjoy science and technology, and love to design new things and solve problems? Do you want to know how things work? Are you concerned about human welfare and the environment? Are you inspired to make a difference in our world?

Mechanical Engineers continuously innovate, then refine and simplify solutions to the problems we face in our everyday (and not-so-everyday) lives. Mechanical Engineering is a diverse profession that goes far beyond designing machinery. A mechanical engineer is someone who applies physics and mathematics to analyze, design, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems.

Mechanical Engineers can create sophisticated computer-controlled robots to perform jobs with great accuracy that may be too dangerous or tedious for humans; develop hip implants and other specialized medical or assistive devices; design cars, ships, and aircraft and work at making them more efficient and environmentally friendly; study fluid flow patterns and build industrial pipelines; find new clean energy solutions and advanced technology to protect the environment; and much, much more.

Because Mechanical Engineering is so broad, it allows you to follow your own special interests and reach your full personal potential – and UBC is ready to help you get there.

Our Program

Student working on metal project

Our Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) program combines hands-on activities with traditional academic teaching to give students the balance between the practical and analytical skills required to become a successful engineer.

Our program is fully accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, which allows students to register as an Engineer-in-Training upon graduation.

To enter the program, students must complete one year of general engineering studies at either UBC campus (Vancouver or Okanagan) or in one of the recognized engineering transfer programs at BC colleges. Entry into the department happens at the end of this general year. Note that only a limited number of seats are available, and applicants are selected based upon their grades and personal profile.

After taking our award-winning MECH 2 program, our students have the option to specialize in General Mechanical Engineering, Thermofluids, Biomedical Engineering, or Mechatronics. Students also have the option of taking co-op to gain work experience during their program, and of going away on exchange.

Your Future

As a profession, mechanical engineering is incredibly rewarding. You can constantly challenge yourself to learn more and expand your knowledge, try something new, solve a difficult problem or improve an old solution. By nature, mechanical engineering is very broad and the skills you will develop will qualify you for a range of opportunities. So, whether you want to travel to new and exciting places, develop original research, apply your knowledge in industry, bring technology to developing countries, or find a flexible job that fits with your personal and family goals (or any combination of these), a degree in Mechanical Engineering will put you on the path to a future that is right for you.

Careers in Mech

Engineers generally receive some of the highest starting salaries of graduating Bachelor’s students, and mechanical engineers in particular have a huge variety of work opportunities. Here are just some of the fields you might work in as a mechanical engineer:

  • Product design and development
  • Energy (oil, gas, and renewable energy)
  • Engines and automotives
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
  • MicroElectroMechanical Systems
  • Maintenance and reliability
  • Consulting and management
  • Naval architecture
  • Aerospace
  • Mining and minerals
  • Pulp and paper
  • Manufacturing
  • Robotics
  • Biomedical
  • Forest products
  • Machinery design

After graduating from our BASc MECH program, you are eligible to enroll as an E.I.T. (Engineer in Training) with the Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC) or the other regional associations in the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, which will allow you to apply for designation as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) after you have gained a specified amount of work experience.

Learning Opportunities

Mechanical engineering also gives you a broad foundation of knowledge that can lead to other opportunities or professions. UBC mechanical engineers have gone on to do outstanding research in engineering here and abroad, earn their MBAs, and become physicians, lawyers and successful business owners. Opportunities like the Minor in Commerce, the Minor in Science, the Minor in Honours Mathematics and the Dual Degree program (offered with the Faculty of Arts) can add further breadth to your degree, while the Co-op program can provide you with valuable work experience.