MECH 410E & P: Global Engineering Leadership & Optional Practicum in Mexico 2012

MECH 410E: Global Engineering Leadership

MECH 410P: Global Engineering Leadership Practicum (Optional)

Global Engineering Leadership is designed to introduce senior engineering students to concepts, theory and practice of engineering leadership in a local and international service learning context.  The course will develop engineering leadership characteristics, understanding and respect for individual and cultural differences in team building, service and management contexts, managing change, conflicts, and crises; and understanding real-world ethics and core values.

The goal of this course is to provide students with leadership education, and engineering service experiences to hone their essential skills and enhance the service ethic within their professional development.

MECH 410E: Global Engineering Leadership

  • May 7 – June 15, 2012; classes in the form of lecture, seminar, or workshops.

Counts as a:

  • General List Technical Elective for Mechanical Engineering students (excluding those who came through the Camosun Bridge program)
  • Technical Elective for Engineering Physics students
  • Technical Elective for Integrated Engineering students
  • Technical Elective for Mining Engineering students
  • Civil Engineering students should consult with their advisor to obtain permission to count the course as a technical elective

For students in other programs, please check with your departmental academic advisor to confirm T.E. credit approval. Through guest lectures, tutorial discussions, readings, reflections and community-based project work, students will gain a deepened understanding of the inter-connected nature of global challenges and develop a passion for leadership through service.

Click Here to see the complete schedule of the Distinguished Speaker Series

For more details on each of the speakers or topics in the Speaker Series, Click Here

MECH 410P: Global Engineering Leadership Practicum in conjunction with Go Global

  • Pre-requisite: MECH 410E
  • June 22- August 17, 2012 placement in Chiapas, Mexico
  • Counts as an Impact of Technology on Society elective for Applied Science students

The primary projects in this course will take place with a non-governmental organization called Tsomanotik in Chiapas State, Mexico. Tsomanotik is an eco-agricultural centre for just and sustainable community development. Projects involved may focus on small clean energy development (solar panels and wind power), water and energy usage reduction in agriculture using appropriate technology.

Sign up is available on the UBC GoGlobal website. MECH 410E can be registered for through the SSC – limited space is available.

MECH 410P application deadline: Six spaces remaining.  Posting will close once spaces are full.


For full course information visit:

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