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UBC Masters Management – Early Career Masters Program 101 Experience Day

Are you completing a degree in arts, the sciences or engineering? Are you looking for a career that matches your expertise with essential knowledge of business. Do you see yourself as a potential manager or leader? If so, the Robert H. Lee Graduate School at the Sauder School of Business invites you to participate in […]

New invention from Professor Hong Ma is a breakthrough in Malaria testing

Professor Hong Ma along with other colleagues from the UBC campus has designed an accurate and simple microfluidic device for the testing of Malaria. The new device consists of two layers that control the cells so that only a single cell is introduced into a funnel containing a series of different sized constrictions. The pressure […]

Event: Hamnavaz Ensemble Concert March 4, 2012

Event: Hamnavaz Ensemble Concert March 4, 2012

The Hamnavaz Ensemble presents it next major concert on campus this Sunday at 5pm in UBC’s Fredericwood Theater. The ensemble is led by our very own graduate candidate in the department of mechanical engineering, Amir Abbas Aliabadi. If you are interested to join this event please obtain more information from the attached poster.  

Article: "Engineering and Geoscience Practice"

The article “Engineering and Geoscience Practice”, published in the Vancouver Sun on March 1, 2012 discusses the “game change” for engineers and geoscientists because of constant shifts in legislation, climate and social awareness that are “prompting geoscientists and engineers to repackage their skills for the global market”. “The model is shifting but professional engineers and […]