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Congratulations: Mech Students Selected APSC Rising Stars of 2012

Congratulations: Mech Students Selected APSC Rising Stars of 2012

Three Mechanical Engineering students are among this year’s APSC Rising Stars. This highlights and celebrates the accomplishments of a few outstanding students who are graduating during the 2011-2012 academic year. Alexander Winardi, M.Eng.’12, Mechanical Engineering “As globalization has become a key factor in the world’s economy, I strongly believe I can no longer identify myself […]

Congratulations: UBC Sailbot Team Wins 2012 International Robotic Sailing Championship

Congratulations: UBC Sailbot Team Wins 2012 International Robotic Sailing Championship

The UBC Sailbot team placed first in the 2012 International Robotic Sailing Championship, ahead of the defending champions, the US Naval Academy. The team finished the championship with a record breaking combined score of 47 out of a maximum 50. This year’s competition was co-hosted by UBC and the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club from June […]

Formula UBC Departs For 2012 International FSAE Competition in Nebraska

Formula UBC Departs For 2012 International FSAE Competition in Nebraska

The Formula UBC team has departed for Lincoln, Nebraska, to represent UBC in the  International Formula SAE Competition. The competition comprises a series of dynamic challenges to test the car’s ability to accelerate and maneuver, and static challenges where marketing, budget, and engineering design are critiqued by engineer judges. The team completed the car on […]