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Ubyssey Article: "Re-inventing the open wheel with Formula UBC"

“Re-inventing the open wheel with Formula UBC”, published in the Ubyssey, takes a closer look at Formula UBC. Composed of 25 UBC students from first-year to graduate, the club is mainly made up of mechanical engineering students. This article explores the challenges, ambitions, and dynamics of Formula UBC. Read the full article here!

MECH 410E & P: Global Engineering Leadership & Optional Practicum in Mexico 2012

MECH 410E & P: Global Engineering Leadership & Optional Practicum in Mexico 2012

MECH 410E: Global Engineering Leadership MECH 410P: Global Engineering Leadership Practicum (Optional) Global Engineering Leadership is designed to introduce senior engineering students to concepts, theory and practice of engineering leadership in a local and international service learning context.  The course will develop engineering leadership characteristics, understanding and respect for individual and cultural differences in team […]

Mechanical Engineering Student, Jayson Bursill, awarded the Frank M. Coda Scholarship

 The Department of Mechanical Engineering would like to congratulate 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student, and President of the UBC ASHRAE Student Branch, Jayson Bursill, on being awarded the Frank M. Coda Scholarship. The Frank M. Coda Scholarship is a one-year, $5,000 undergraduate engineering scholarship. The scholarship was established in memory of ASHRAE’s former Executive Vice […]

CARIS Lab receives funding for stroke rehab study using social media

The CARIS lab has been awarded a three-year grant by the Peter Wall Solutions Initiative to deliver and evaluate a new type of therapy program that focuses on the return of function for persons who have lost partial use of their upper limbs due to cerebral palsy or stroke.  Working in collaboration with two rehabilitation […]

Celebration of Achievement 2011-2012

Celebration of Achievement 2011-2012

The Department of Mechanical Engineering recently held their annual Celebration of Achievement ceremony. Please take a look at the photos below! The event was held at the First Nations House of Learning. It was an opportunity to recognize the achievements of exceptional students within the Mech department. Congratulations to all recipients! 2011 Department Scholars  (This honourary […]

Mechanical Engineering Student, Connor Schellenberg-Beaver, accepts one of UBC’s most prestigious designations

Mechanical Engineering Student, Connor Schellenberg-Beaver, accepts one of UBC’s most prestigious designations

The Department of Mechanical Engineering would like to congratulate Connor Schellenberg-Beaver for his outstanding achievements.  Connor has recently accepted the Wesbrook Scholarship, the Harry Logan Memorial Scholarship, and the Harold B & Nellie Boyes Memorial Scholarship. The Wesbrook Scholarship is one of UBC’s most prestigious designations. It is given to a maximum of twenty senior […]

Dr. Peter Cripton recently secured a $2.3 Million Dollar Grant funded by the United States Department of Defense CDMRP

  Dr. Peter Cripton, Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department, Patrick Campbell Chair in Mechanical Design and Principle Investigator at the spinal cord research centre ICORD at UBC, has recently received a $2.3million dollar grant funded by the United States Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP). The “Applied Research and Advanced […]