Antony Hodgson

Antony Hodgson

Professor and Associate Head, Teaching

B.A.Sc.; M.A.Sc. (British Columbia); Ph.D. (MIT and Harvard University); Postdoctoral Fellowship (Clemson University); Associate Director, Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems; Associate Head of Teaching, Department of Mechanical Engineering

phone: (604) 822-3240
website:  Surgical Technologies Laboratory
office: EDC 234
Selected Awards
  • Excellence in Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery Award, 2017.
  • Best Technical Poster Award, International Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Society, 2013.

Research Interests

  • Computer-Assisted Surgery
  • Medical Robotics
  • Surgical Simulators and Skill Assessment
  • Neuromotor Control
  • Biomechanics

Current Research Work

The primary focus of my work is on computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery; our main goal is to improve the accuracy of performing surgical tasks (such as placing implants or reducing fractures) while minimizing use of and exposure to radiation and decreasing operative time. We are currently working in three main areas:

  • Using Ultrasound to Accurately Locate Bone Surfaces: The primary intraoperative imaging modality used in orthopaedic surgery is C-arm fluoroscopy, but this modality is intrinsically two-dimensional and can expose the patient and operating room team to ionizing radiation. Our goal is to use ultrasound instead, as it is a safe imaging technique that can generate intrinsically three-dimensional surface representations. The key applications are in trauma and spine surgery.
  • Smart C-Arm Technologies: The C-arm fluoroscopy machine is a heavy and awkward device, and is not typically used to provide accurate, quantitative information to guide operative procedures. We are developing a suite of technologies aimed at making C-arms location aware and dramatically easier to maneuver so that surgeons can more accurately execute surgical actions and reduce both operative time and radiation exposure. We are also developing a C-arm-based Roentgen Stereophotogrammetry (RSA) system.
  • Bone-Mounted Robots: The success of knee replacements depends significantly on the accuracy of placement of the implants, particularly in unicompartmental knee replacement procedures. Conventional navigation systems can improve accuracy compared with conventional techniques, but to date only small robotic devices have demonstrated reductions in operating time in total knee replacements. We are currently investigating a new design concept for a bone-mounted robot for unicompartmental procedures.

Selected Publications

  • Panchal, M., Zaraska, K., Milner, T. D., Tran, K. L., Hodgson, A., Fels, S., … (2025). Scapula or Fibula?: Prospective data-driven decision criteria for flap selection in mandibular reconstruction planning. Oral Oncology, 162, 107190.
  • Grzybowski, G., Stewart, M. M., Milner, T. D., Dinur, A. B., McGee, O. M., Pakdel, A., … (2025). Intraoperative Real‐Time Image‐Guided Fibular Harvest and Mandibular Reconstruction: A Feasibility Study on Cadaveric Specimens. Head & Neck.
  • Tran, K. L., Chen, A., Yang, D., Kwon, J. J. Y., Sabiq, F., Fels, S., Hodgson, A., … (2025). Geometric Study and Clinical Case Series for Mandible Reconstruction With a Single‐Piece Scapular Free Flap. Head & Neck.
  • Omidvar, A., Rohling, R. N., Cretu, E., Cresswell, M. E., & Hodgson, A. J. (2024). Preliminary demonstration of pulse-echo imaging with a long monolithic flexible CMUT array. IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control.
  • Aftabi, H., Lloyd, J. E., Sagl, B., Ding, A., Prisman, E., Hodgson, A., & Fels, S. (2024). OPTIMIZING BONE CUTS ENHANCES PREDICTED BONE UNION PROPENSITY IN MANDIBULAR BODY RECONSTRUCTION. Authorea Preprints.
  • Pandey, P. U., Guy, P., Bliven, E. K., Lefaivre, K. A., & Hodgson, A. J. (2024). An Integrated System Using Ultrasound-Based Registration for Surgical Navigation of Iliosacral Screw Insertions. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
  • Aftabi, H., Sagl, B., Lloyd, J. E., Prisman, E., Hodgson, A., & Fels, S. (2024). To what extent can mastication functionality be restored following mandibular reconstruction surgery? A computer modeling approach. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 250, 108174.
  • Hickey, M. D., Khan, A., Baines, J., Allen, D., Welsh, F., Deep, K., Ewen, A., … (2024). Improved Prediction of Postoperative Knee Function Using Preoperative Patient Factors and Intraoperative Measures of Bony Resection, Ligament Release, and Implant Alignment in … EPiC Series in Health Sciences, 6, 45-49.
  • Hickey, M., Khan, A., Baines, J., Allen, D. J., Welsh, F., Deep, K., Ewen, A., Leitner, F., … (2024). Measured Resection and Gap Balancing Techniques Result in Similar Femoral Component Rotations Regardless of Preoperative Coronal Deformity: A Database Analysis of 3922 Cases. EPiC Series in Health Sciences, 6, 35-39.
  • Hickey, M. D., Khan, A., Baines, J., Allen, D. J., Welsh, F., Deep, K., Ewen, A., … (2024). Mechanical vs Arithmetic Definitions of Coronal Plane Alignment of the Knee (CPAK) Measures Have Different Distributions: An Assessment of 3947 Cases. EPiC Series in Health Sciences, 6, 50-55.

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