Ian Frigaard

Ian Frigaard


B.Sc. (Univ. of Wales), M.Sc. (Oxon), D.Phil. (Oxon), C.Math.

phone: (604) 822-1316
email: frigaard@math.ubc.ca
website:  blogs.ubc.ca/frigaard
office: ICCS 177
Selected Awards
  • CSME Fluid Mechanics Medal, 2024.
  • Stanley G. Mason Award, Canadian Society of Rheology, 2022.
  • Killam Research Prize, The University of British Columbia, 2019.

Research Interests

My research interests are in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics and understanding industrial processes that exploit the non-Newtonian properties of fluids. In particular I am interested in the mechanics of visco-plastic (yield stress) fluids. Many of the industrial research projects come from the petroleum industry. Areas of keen interest here are centered around cementing of wells, preventing leakage and techniques for the eventual abandonment – issues related to GHG emission control and long-term environmental protection.

Methodologically, my group conducts research that combines mathematical, experimental and computational approaches. Many of the results of our research are described the publications of my group and our research collaborators. Research is carried out in the Complex Fluids Lab at UBC, in a strongly interdisciplinary environment. My group typically consists of 10 or more graduate students and postdocs, some internships are typically available in Summer.


Selected Publications

  • M. Daneshi, I.A. Frigaard, “Growth and stability of bubbles in a yield stress fluid.” J. Fluid Mech., 957, A16, (2023).
  • E. Trudel, I. Frigaard, “Modeling the effect of operational activity on wellbore integrity and wellbore leakage in British Columbia”, Geoenergy Sci. Engng., 227, 211850, (2023).
  • M. Izadi, E. Trudel, I. Frigaard*, “Risk-based analysis of squeeze cementing operations.” Geoenergy Sci. Engng., 234, 212687, (2023).
  • A. Pourzahedi, E. Chaparian, I.A. Frigaard*, “Flow around a droplet suspended in a yield stress fluid.” Phys. Fluids, 36, 023102, (2023).
  • R. Zhang, I. Frigaard, “Primary cementing of vertical wells: displacement & dispersion in narrow eccentric annuli. Part2: Flow behaviour & classification” J. Fluid Mech. 972, A38, (2023).
  • S. Topayev, C. Nouar, I. Frigaard, “Taylor vortices in yield stress fluids with static wall layers on the outer cylinder.” J. Fluid Mech., 976, A3, (2023).
  • A. Pourzahedi, I.A. Frigaard, “A network model for gas invasion into porous media filled with yield-stress fluid.” J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 323, 105155, (2023).
  • R.S. Mitishita, M. Alishahi, I. Frigaard, “Dynamics of displacement flows of viscoplastic fluids in obstructed eccentric annuli at moderate Re number.” Phys. Fluids, 35, 113113, (2023).
  • R. Mitishita, G. Elfring, I. Frigaard, “Statistics and spectral analysis of turbulent duct flows with flexible & rigid polymer solutions .” J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 311, 104952, (2023).
  • E. Trudel, I. Frigaard, “Stochastic modelling of wellbore leakage in British Columbia”, J. of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 220A, 111199, (2023).
  • A. Renteria, I. Frigaard, “Horizontal cementing displacement flows of shear-thinning fluids, with and without casing rotation”, Geoenergy Sci. Engng., 226, 211747, (2023).
  • M. Zare, M. Daneshi, I.A. Frigaard, “Effects of non-uniform rheology on the motion of bubbles in a yield stress fluid.” J. Fluid Mech., 919, A25, (2021).
  • P. Sarmadi, A. Renteria, I. Frigaard, “Primary cementing displacement flows in eccentric horizontal annuli. Part 2. Computations.” J. Fluid Mech., 915, A83, (2021).
  • A. Pourzahedi, M. Zare, I.A. Frigaard, “Eliminating injection & memory effects in bubble rise experiments within yield stress fluids.” J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 292, 104531, (2021).
  • M. Zare, M. Daneshi, I.A. Frigaard, “Effects of non-uniform rheology on the motion of bubbles in a yield stress fluid.” J. of Fluid Mechanics, 919, A25, (2021).
  • R. Gupta, R. Mitishita, I.A. Frigaard, G. Elfring, “Rheology of wormlike micellar gels formed by long-chained zwitterionic surfactants.” J. Rheology, 65, 1065, (2021)
  • E. Chaparian, I.A. Frigaard, “Clouds of bubbles in a viscoplastic fluid.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 927, R3, (2021).
  • R. Gupta, R. Mitishita, I.A. Frigaard, G. Elfring, “Rheology of wormlike micellar gels formed by long-chained zwitterionic surfactants.” J. Rheology, 65, 1065, (2021).
  • A. Renteria, P. Sarmadi, C. Thompson, I. A. Frigaard, “Effects of wellbore irregularity on primary cementing of horizontal wells, Part 1: Large scale effects.” J. Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, 109581, (2021).
  • R. Mitishita, J. MacKenzie, G. Elfring, I. Frigaard, “Fully turbulent flows of viscoplastic fluids in a rectangular duct.” J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 293 104570, (2021).
  • A. Renteria, I.A. Frigaard, “Primary cementing of horizontal wells. Displacement flows in eccentric horizontal annuli part 1: experiments.” J. of Fluid Mech., 905, A7, (2020).
  • M. Bizhani, Y. Foolad, I.A. Frigaard, “Turbulent displacement flow of viscoplastic fluids in eccentric annulus: Experiments.” Physics of Fluids, 32: 045117 (2020).
  • J. Iglesias, G. Mercier, E. Chaparian, I.A. Frigaard, “Computing the Yield Limit in Three-dimensional Flows of a Yield Stress Fluid About a Settling Particle.” J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 284: 104374, 2020
  • A. Etrati, A. Roustaei, I.A. Frigaard,” Strategies for mud-removal from washouts during cementing of surface casing” J. Petr. Sci. Engng., 195: 107454, 2020
  • A. Sarraf-Shirazi, I.A. Frigaard, “Gravel packing: how does it work?” Physics of Fluids, 32: 053308 (2020).
  • A. Maleki, I.A. Frigaard, “Rapid classification of primary cementing flows?” Chem. Eng. Sci., 219, 115506, (2020).
  • P. Sarmadi, I.A. Frigaard, “Inertial effects in triple layer core-annular pipe flow.” Phys. Fluids, 31(10):103102, 2019.
  • P. Sarmadi, O. Mierka, S. Turek, S. Hormozi, I.A. Frigaard, “Three dimensional simulation of flow development of triple-layer lubricated pipeline transport” J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 274:104201, 2019.
  • E. Trudel, M. Bizhani, M. Zare, I.A. Frigaard, “Plug and abandonment practices and trends: a British Columbia perspective” J. Petrol. Sci. Engng., 183 106417, (2019).
  • I.A. Frigaard, A. Renteria, “Stability of flows with the BMP model in the yield stress limit” Korea and Australia Rheology Journal, 31(4), 211-228, (2019).
  • P. Sarmadi, I.A. Frigaard, “Stable core-annular flows in inaccessible domains via a triple-layer configuration.” Chem. Eng. Sci. X, 3, 100028, (2019)
  • A. Sarraf-Shirazi, I.A. Frigaard, “A Three Layer Model for Solids Transport in Pipes”, Chem. Eng. Sci., 205, 374-390, (2019)
  • O. Oladosu, A. Hasnain, P. Brown, I. Frigaard, K. Alba, “Density-Stable Displacement Flow of Immiscible Fluids in Inclined Pipes.” Physical Review Fluids, 4, 044007 (2019).
  • I.A. Frigaard, “Simple Yield Stress Fluids.” Invited paper for Current Opinions on Colloidal and Interface Science, 43, 80-93, (2019).
  • I.A. Frigaard, C. Nouar, “Onset of flow in a vibrated thin viscoplastic layer.” J. non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 266, 95-101, (2019).
  • A. Maleki, I.A. Frigaard, “Comparing Laminar and Turbulent Primary Cementing Flows” J. Petrol. Sci. Engng., 177, 808-821, (2019).
  • E. Chaparian, A. Wachs, I.A. Frigaard, “Inline motion and hydrodynamic interaction of 2D particles in a viscoplastic fluid,” Physics of Fluids30(3), p.033101, 2018.
  • A. Etrati, K. Alba, I.A. Frigaard, “Two-layer displacement flow of miscible fluids with viscosity ratio: Experiments,” Physics of Fluids30(5), p.052103, 2018.
  • A. Etrati, I.A. Frigaard, “A two-layer model for buoyant inertial displacement flows in inclined pipes,” Physics of Fluids30(2), p.022107, 2018.
  • P. Sarmadi, S. Hormozi, I.A. Frigaard, “Flow development and interface sculpting in stable lubricated pipeline transport,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics261, pp.60-80, 2018.
  • N. Hanachi, A. Maleki, I.A. Frigaard, “A model for foamed cementing of oil and gas wells,” Journal of Engineering Mathematics113(1), pp.93-121, 2018.
  • A. Renteria, A. Maleki, I.A. Frigaard, B. Lund, A. Taghipour, J.D. Ytrehus, “Displacement Efficiency for Primary Cementing of Washout Sections in Highly Deviated Wells,” In SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2018.
  • I.A. Frigaard, A. Maleki, “Tracking Fluid Interface in Carbon Capture and Storage Cement Placement Application,” In ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (pp. V008T11A060-V008T11A060). American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.
  • A. Maleki, I.A. Frigaard, “Tracking fluid interfaces in primary cementing of surface casing,” Physics of Fluids30(9), p.093104, 2018.
  • A. Maleki, I.A. Frigaard, “Turbulent displacement flows in primary cementing of oil and gas wells,” Physics of Fluids30(12), p.123101, 2018.
  • A. Etrati, I.A. Frigaard, “Viscosity effects in density-stable miscible displacement flows: Experiments and simulations,” Physics of Fluids30(12), p.123104, 2018.
  • T. Treskatis, A. Roustaei, I.A. Frigaard, A. Wachs, “Practical guidelines for fast, efficient and robust simulations of yield-stress flows without regularisation: A study of accelerated proximal gradient and augmented Lagrangian methods,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics262, pp.149-164, 2018.
  • A.S. Shirazi, I.A. Frigaard, “A New Three-Layer Model for Horizontal Slurry Flow,” 2018.
  • M. Zare, I.A. Frigaard, “Onset of miscible and immiscible fluids’ invasion into a viscoplastic fluid,” Physics of Fluids30(6), p.063101, 2018.


  • J. Bélair, I.A. Frigaard, H. Kunze, R. Makarov, R. Melnik, R.J. Spiteri, Mathematical and computational approaches in advancing modern science and engineering, Springer, 2017.

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