Jasmin Jelovica

Jasmin Jelovica

Associate Professor

B.Sc., M.Sc. (Naval Arch.), University of Rijeka, Croatia; D.Sc. (Tech.), Aalto University, Finland, NSERC/Seaspan Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent and Green Marine Vessels (IGMVs)

phone:  604-827-5071
email:  jjelovica@mech.ubc.ca
website:  Laboratory for Structural Efficiency (LASE)
office:  CEME 2208E

Research Interests

  • Beams, plates and shells
  • Finite element analysis
  • Machine learning and optimization
  • Efficient structural forms

Selected Publications

Journal papers:

  • Karimi, M.R, Wang, S.H & Jelovica, J (2025). Deposition of nickel-tungsten carbide composite overlays by various modes of gas metal arc welding: Droplet transfer behavior and signal characteristics. Materials and Manufacturing Processes.
  • Venkateshwaran, A, Deo, I.K, Jelovica, J & Jaiman, R.K (2024). A multi-objective optimization framework for reducing the impact of ship noise on marine mammals. Ocean Engineering, vol. 310, part 2, 118687. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.118687
  • Cai, Y & Jelovica, J (2024). Efficient graph representation in graph neural networks for stress predictions in stiffened panels. Thin-Walled Structures, vol. 203, 112157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2024.112157
  • Cai, Y & Jelovica, J (2024). Graph neural network for stress predictions in stiffened panels. Pomorski Zbornik, p. 243-252.
  • Bisheh, H & Jelovica, J (2024). Analytical assessment of wave dynamics for natural fiber-reinforced composite plates. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, vol. 106, 105280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechsol.2024.105280
  • Mallik, W, Jelovica, J & Jaiman, R.K (2024). Deep neural network for learning wave scattering and interference of underwater acoustics. Physics of Fluids, vol. 36, 017137. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0188250
  • Babaee, A & Jelovica, J (2024). Nonlinear two-dimensional transient thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded composite plates subjected to localised cooling loads. Thin-Walled Structures, vol. 195, 111370. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2023.111370
  • Jelovica, J & Cai, Y (2024). Improved multi-objective structural optimization with adaptive repair-based constraint handling. Engineering Optimization, vol. 56(1), p. 118-137. https://doi.org/10.1080/0305215X.2022.2147518
  • Cai, Y & Jelovica, J (2023). Neural network-enabled discovery of mapping between variables and constraints for improved repair-based constraint handling in multi-objective structural optimization. Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 280, 111032. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2023.111032
  • Karimi, M.R, Wang, S.H & Jelovica, J (2023). Characterization of cold metal transfer and conventional short-circuit gas metal arc welding processes for depositing tungsten carbide-reinforced metal matrix composite overlays. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 128, p. 2551–2570. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-11955-4
  • Keleshteri, M.M & Jelovica, J (2023). Elastic properties evaluation of composite metal foams. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines. (Accepted July 5, 2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/15397734.2023.2234977
  • Babaee, A & Jelovica, J (2023). Large amplitude vibration of annular and circular FG plates under cooling thermal shocks. Thin-Walled Structures, vol. 182, 110142. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2022.110142
  • Mallik, W, Jaiman, R.K & Jelovica, J (2022). Predicting transmission loss in underwater acoustics using convolutional recurrent autoencoder network. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 152, 1627. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0013894
  • Putranto, T, Kõrgesaar, M & Jelovica, J (2022). Ultimate strength assessment of stiffened panels using equivalent single layer approach under combined in-plane compression and shear. Thin-Walled Structures, vol. 120, 109943. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2022.109943
  • Keleshteri, M.M & Jelovica, J (2022). Analytical assessment of nonlinear forced vibration of 2D functionally graded porous (FGP) higher order beams. Composite Structures, vol. 298, 115994. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2022.115994
  • Karimi, M.R, Wang, S.H & Jelovica, J (2022). Taguchi-based experimental investigation into weld cladding of Ni-WC MMC overlays by CMT process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 122, p. 2433–2461. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-022-09816-7
  • Keleshteri, M.M & Jelovica, J (2022). Analytical solution for vibration and buckling of cylindrical sandwich panels with improved FG metal foam core. Engineering Structures, vol. 266, 114580. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114580
  • Xia, Q, Wang, Y, Jelovica, J, Liu, C & Dawei, S (2022). Experimental study on corrugated steel–concrete composite semicircular arches under midspan loading. Structures, vol. 38, p. 1137-1150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2022.02.038
  • Xia, Q, Liu, C, Wang, Y & Jelovica, J (2022). Experimental study on static strength of damaged concrete arches reinforced by corrugated steel. Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 148(5). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0003321
  • Keleshteri, M.M & Jelovica, J (2022). Beam theory reformulation to implement various boundary conditions for generalized differential quadrature method. Engineering Structures, vol. 252, 113666. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113666
  • Keleshteri, M.M & Jelovica, J (2022). Nonlinear vibration analysis of bidirectional porous beams. Engineering with Computers, vol. 38, p. 5033–5049. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-021-01553-x
  • Yan, S, Jelovica, J (2021) Buckling and free vibration of laser-welded web-core sandwich panels: Extreme sensitivity to weld geometry variation. Engineering Structures, 244, 1127370
  • Babaee, A, Jelovica, J (2021) Nonlinear Transient Thermoelastic Response of FGM Plate Under Sudden Cryogenic Cooling. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 226, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108875
  • Putranto, T, Kõrgesaar, M, Jelovica, J, Tabri, K, Naar, H (2021) Ultimate strength assessment of stiffened panel under uni-axial compression with non-linear equivalent single layer approach. Marine Structures, Vol. 78  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marstruc.2021.103004
  • Romanoff, J, Jelovica, J, Reddy, JN, Remes, H (2020) Post-buckling of web-core sandwich plates based on classical continuum mechanics – Success and needs for non-classical formulations. Meccanica, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11012-020-01174-6
  • Keleshteri, MM, Jelovica, J. (2020) Nonlinear vibration behavior of functionally graded porous cylindrical panels. Composite Structures, vol. 239, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112028
  • Samanipour, F, Jelovica, J (2020) Adaptive repair method for constraint handling in multi-objective genetic algorithm based on relationship between constraints and variables. Applied Soft Computing, vol. 90, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106143

 Conference papers:

  • Cai, Y, Mokhtari, N & Jelovica, J (2025). Comparison of a few deep learning models for stress predictions in stiffened panels. 10th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2025.
  • Yan, S & Jelovica, J (2025). Neural-reparameterized topology optimization of a tugboat thruster foundation frame for stress reduction and computational efficiency. 10th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2025.
  • Neogi, I, Jaiman, R.K & Jelovica, J (2025). [Title to be added]. 44th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Vancouver, Canada, June 2025. (Accepted)
  • Venkateshwaran, A, Deo, I.K, Jaiman, R.K & Jelovica, J (2024). Multi-objective ship voyage optimization framework for underwater noise emission. Proc. 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Singapore, June 2024.
  • Cai, Y & Jelovica, J (2023). Graph neural network for stress predictions in stiffened panels. 10th International Conference on Marine Technology, Rijeka, Croatia, October 2023.
  • Keleshteri, M.M & Jelovica, J (2023). Machine learning-based prediction of sound transmission loss of tubular cell core sandwich panels. 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Prague, Czechia, July 2023. (Accepted)
  • Cai, Y & Jelovica, J (2023). Comparison of metaheuristic algorithms and constraint handling approaches for multi-objective optimization of a tanker. Proc. 9th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2023.
  • Yan, S & Jelovica, J (2023). Significance of laser weld stiffness in vibration and buckling optimization of laser-welded web-core sandwich panels. Proc. 9th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2023.
  • Kõrgesaar, M, Putranto, T & Jelovica, J (2023). Equivalent single layer approach for predicting ultimate strength of stiffened panels under different load combinations. Proc. 9th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2023.
  • Cai, Y & Jelovica, J (2022). Structural optimization of ships: Benchmark study of metaheuristic algorithms and constraint handling approaches. Proc. 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Hamburg, Germany, June 2022.
  • Yan, S & Jelovica, J (2022). Topology optimization of joints between prismatic sandwich panels and girders under in-plane and bending loads. Proc. 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Hamburg, Germany, June 2022.
  • Cai, Y & Jelovica, J (2021). Adaptive constraint handling in optimization of complex structures by using machine learning. Proc. 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), online event, June 2021.

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