Lyndia Wu


Assistant Professor

Canada Research Chair in Wearable Brain Injury Sensing

B.A.Sc. (Toronto); M.S. (Stanford); Ph.D. (Stanford); Postdoctoral Fellowship (Stanford)

phone: (604) 827-2354
website: SimPL (Sensing in Biomechanical Processes Lab)
office: CEME 2059
Selected Awards
  • Scholar Award, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, 2019.

Research Interests

  • Injury Biomechanics
  • Wearable Sensors
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Sensors and Instrumentation
  • Data Mining and Machine Learning

Current Research Work

The general goal of the lab is to develop novel sensing and data analytics to study the biomechanics of the human body in health and disease states. One main research area is brain injury or concussion biomechanics, where we employ sensing, modeling, and machine learning tools to study the mechanism of traumatic brain injury. Other areas include the development of novel sensors and algorithms to study sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea.

Selected Publications

  • Kenny, R., Elez, M., Clansey, A., Virji-Babul, N., & Wu, L.C. Individualized monitoring of longitudinal heading exposure in soccer. Scientific Reports14(1), 1796.  (2024).
  • Liu, E., Luu, C., & Wu, L.C. Resting State EEG Variability and Implications for Interpreting Clinical Effect Sizes. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. (2024).
  • Luke, D., Kenny, R., Bondi, D., Clansey, A. C., & Wu, L.C. On-field instrumented mouthguard coupling. Journal of biomechanics162, 111889. (2024).
  • Qiao, C. Z., Nasrabadi, A. M., Partovi, R., Belzner, P., Kuo, C., Wu, L.C., & Blouin, J. S. Multidirectional Human-in-the-Loop Balance Robotic System. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. (2023)
  • Gabler, L., Patton, D., Begonia, M., Daniel, R., Rezaei, A., Huber, C., Siegmund, G., Rooks, T., Wu, L.C. Consensus Head Acceleration Measurement Practices (CHAMP) – Laboratory Validation of Wearable Sensor Systems. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Online. 1-16. (2022)
  • Rezaei, A., Wu, L.C. Automated soccer head impact exposure tracking using video and deep learning. Scientific Reports. 12(1): 1-12. (2022).
  • Kenny, R., Elez, M., Clansey, A., Virji-Babul, N., and Wu, L.C., Head Impact Exposure and Biomechanics in University Varsity Women’s Soccer. Annals of biomedical engineering, Online. (2022).
  • Wang, T., Kenny, R. and Wu, L.C., Head impact sensor triggering bias introduced by linear acceleration thresholding. Annals of biomedical engineering49(12): 3189-3199. (2021).
  • Qiao, C. Z., Chen, A., Blouin, J. S., and Wu, L. C. Potential mechanisms of acute standing balance deficits after concussions and subconcussive head impacts: a review. Annals of biomedical engineering, Online. 1-23. (2021).
  • Tierney, G.J., Kuo, C., Wu, L.C., Weaving, D. and Camarillo, D. Analysis of head acceleration events in collegiate-level American football: A combination of qualitative video analysis and in-vivo head kinematic measurement. Journal of Biomechanics, 110(109969): 1-7. (2020).
  • Kurt, M., Wu, L.C., Laksari, K., Ozkaya, E., Suar, Z.M., Lv, H., Epperson, K., Epperson, K., Sawyer, A.M., Camarillo, D.B., Pauly, K.B., Wintermark, M. Optimization of a Multi-Frequency MR Elastography Protocol for the Human Brain. Journal of Neuroimaging. 29(4):440-446. (2019).
  • Wu, L.C., Steinberg, G., Zhang, Y., Qu, H., Huang, S., Cheng, M., Bliss, T., Du, F., Rao, J., Song, G., Pisani, L., Doyle, T., Conolly, S., Krishnan, K., Grant, G., Wintermark, M. A Review of Magnetic Particle Imaging and Perspectives on Neuroimaging. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 40(2):206-212. (2019).
  • Kuo, C., Wu, L.C., Loza, J., Senif, D., Anderson, S. and Camarillo, D.B. Comparison of Video-based and Sensor-based Head Impact Exposure. Plos One. 13(6):1:19. (2018).
  • Wu, L.C., Kuo, C., Loza, J., Kurt, M., Laksari, K., Yanez, L.Z., Senif, D., Anderson, S.C., Miller, L.E., Urban, J.E., Stitzel, J.D., Camarillo, D.B. Detection of American Football Head Impacts Using Biomechanical Features and Support Vector Machine Classification. Scientific Reports. 8(1):855. (2017).
  • Kuo, C.*, Wu, L.C.*, Ye, P. P.*, Laksari, K., Camarillo, D. B., & Kuhl, E. Pilot findings of brain displacements and deformations during roller coaster rides. Journal of Neurotrauma. 34(22):3198-3205. (2017). *Equal contribution.
  • Wu, L.C., Laksari, K., Kuo, C., Kleiven, S., Luck, J.F., Bass, C.R., Camarillo, D.B., Bandwidth and Sample Rate Requirements for Wearable Head Impact Sensors. Journal of Biomechanics. 49(13):2918-2924. (2016).
  • Wu, L.C., Nangia, V., Bui, K., Hammoor, B.T., Kurt, M., Hernandez, F., Kuo C., In vivo Evaluation of Wearable Head Impact Sensors. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.  44(4):1234-1245. (2015).
  • Laksari, K., Wu, L.C., Kurt, M., Kuo C., Resonance of Human Brain Under Head Acceleration. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 12(108):20150331. (2015).
  • Hernandez, F., Wu, L.C., Yip, M.C., Kleiven, S., Hoffman A.R., Lopez, J., Grant, G., Camarillo, D.B. Six Degree of Freedom Measurements of Human Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 43(8):1918-1934. (2015).
  • Wu, L.C., Zarnescu, L., Nangia, V., Cam, B., Camarillo, D. A Head Impact Detection System Using SVM Classification and Proximity Sensing in an Instrumented Mouthguard.  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 61(11):2659–2668. (2014).

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