Program Options

Breadth or depth: Options allow you to choose your focus.
Following second year, UBC Mechanical Engineering students can explore their interests by choosing one of our undergraduate program Options.

Our six pathways let students take specialized electives in a particular field of study which will appear on their final transcript, or choose ultimate flexibility and take electives from all areas. Find out more about each of our options below.


Keep your focus broad and get a taste of everything, with the freedom to take courses from other areas.


Prepare for mechanical engineering within the high-tech world of aircraft and spaceflight.

Biomechanics & Medical Devices

Learn about motion within the human body, and how to design devices that improve human health.

Energy & Environment

Gain skills to address some of the biggest challenges of today’s interconnected, energy-hungry world.


Combine principles of mechanical, computer, and electrical engineering where the digital and mechanical meet.

Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering

Tailor your degree to the marine world and design the future of this global industry.

Curriculum Differences

Please see our Options Brochure to view the curriculum of the individual programs. For a comprehensive list of courses and schedules, see the UBC Calendar program listing. Information on each course can be found at

Options Information Session

Our annual Options Information Session happens in early February. Details about the selection process that 1st year engineering students and current Mech 2 students should follow, including what supplementary material students may want to include and the submission deadlines will be discussed. Each faculty Option Coordinator will also speak in depth about their particular Option, and will be available to answer any questions.

Info Session Details

The 2023W Options Info Session took place on February 9th. If you missed the session, you can view the 2023W Options Presentation Slides to learn more.

Mechanical Engineering Options Information Session

Option Selection Process

All Mechanical Engineering students must select an Option for their 3rd & 4th year studies, choosing a course pathway that aligns with their interests and abilities. Option selections will also provide the Faculty Option Coordinators and academic advisors the ability to provide guidance and feedback to students as needed.

When to submit your selection

There are two opportunities for students to select a Mech Option. In both cases, submissions open February 1st:

  1. Early Selection in 1st Year: First-year engineering students may submit a selection to secure a spot* in a Mechanical Engineering Option before making their final decision about which program they apply to for 2nd year placement. Submissions close the last day of February.
  2. Regular Selection in 2nd Year: Mech 2 students should select an Option they wish to pursue in their 3rd & 4th year studies. Submissions close March 31st.

For both intakes, submit the online MECH Option Selection Form (link below) and include any desired supporting material. In cases where Option seats are limited, these submissions will assist the Option Coordinators in determining which students are most suitable. In these cases, additional interviews may be required before final placement.

*Note: Placement in a Mech Option is conditional on a student being accepted into the mechanical engineering program and completion of Mech 2. 1st year students who are unsuccessful in securing a seat in their Option of choice via Early Selection but who are accepted into the program may re-submit a form during Regular Selection in 2nd year.

Submission Form & Placement Details

Mech Option Selection Form

Submit your Option selection and any supporting documents through our online portal:

Optional Supporting Documents

Some Options have limited seats available, and it may not be possible to grant entry to all students who select a competitive Option. When submitting your form, you may also wish to include the supporting documents below (especially if selecting Mechatronics). The Option Coordinator will review all selection forms and any supplementary material to determine which students are most suitable to the Option.

Supporting Documents you can include:
  • A statement of 250 words or less explaining why you would like to join the Option, any related experience or background you may have, and why it is a good fit for your academic and career aspirations.
  • A copy of your current resume.
  • An unofficial copy of your grades from the Student Service Centre.
  • Up to 2 pages of supplemental material to support your application, and illustrate your relevant experiences, skills, and interests as they are related to the Option you are applying for:
    • May include reference letters, media articles, photos of personal projects/designs, or similar.
    • Often takes the form of photos, schematics, screenshots, or other illustrations accompanied by brief descriptions.
    • Should be things you have already done – don’t create something just for this.
    • Use your discretion to determine which of your experiences are relevant.
    • Pages must be 8.5 x 11” with static content (no links, videos, media, objects), in a single PDF file. Any material exceeding 2 pages will be truncated.

2023W Option Coordinators:
  • Aerospace: Dr. Kendal Bushe
  • Biomechanics & Medical Devices: Dr. Agnes d’Entremont
  • Energy & Environment: Dr. Steve Rogak
  • Mechatronics: Dr. Yusuf Altintas
  • Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering: Dr. Mohammed Hannan

***Please note that Option selections and supporting documents are only accepted via the online form above. Do not email or submit physical applications or supplementary materials. ***

If you have questions about the process above, please e-mail


Should the number of students selecting a particular option exceed the number of seats available in it, the Option Coordinator will review the selection forms submitted to determine which students are most suitable for the option. They may also wish to schedule an interview with you to assist with this process. This will be communicated to you via email so it is important that you provide a reliable email address that you check frequently.

Final Placement

Final confirmations of option placements will be made by late March (Early selection) or by early May (Regular selection). You will be notified via email.