
The UBC Academic Calendar is a comprehensive guide to all programs, courses, and services at the University of British Columbia. The Calendar also serves as a record of many University academic policies and procedures. Students are strongly advised to review the Academic Calendar to familiarize themselves with the University’s academic policies.

The Calendar sets policies on a faculty-wide and university-wide basis. A full list of policies covered by the Calendar can be found here: UBC Academic Calendar Academic Misconduct by UBC Students. These policies form the formal procedures for many concerns. There are, however, a number of departmental policies with which students should also familiarize themselves.

Below is a summary of some of the policies that most directly impact our students, including department-specific policies that may not appear in the Calendar.

Note: Mech 2 policies and procedures are available to all Mech 2 students through the program’s Canvas page.


Plagiarism is unacceptable behaviour that can result in receiving a grade of zero on an assignment or in a course, or even expulsion from the university. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with what constitutes plagiarism and the consequences of plagiarizing.

The UBC Academic Calendar provides a definition of plagiarism and outlines various other forms of academic misconduct that will result in disciplinary measures. See UBC Academic Calendar: Definitions of Academic Misconduct.

For more information on the consequences of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, see UBC Academic Calendar: Discipline for Academic Misconduct

The library also offers a helpful guide on how to recognize and avoid plagiarism in your work: UBC Library: Guide to Academic Integrity

Please see UBC Academic Calendar: Student Declaration and Responsibility the university's policies and procedures regarding non-academic misconduct.

Course Planning & Registration

The Mechanical Engineering program has many core courses, and students must be careful to take the right courses at the right time so that they can graduate on schedule. Undergraduates should consult our Course Planning and Registration Guide to understand course prerequisites and plan your degree. Any student in need of additional assistance can contact the Mechanical Engineering Student Services Office (students@mech.ubc.ca) to make an appointment with an advisor.

The Academic Progress Report on Workday (formerly the Student Service Centre's Degree Navigator) is another helpful resource to help you plan your degree.  Note that the Academic Progress Report should only be used as a tool to help you plan your courses and view your degree progress. It should not be used as a formal way to verify that you have met your degree requirements, and students are strongly encouraged to contact the Mechanical Engineering Student Services Office for a graduation check if they want to confirm that they have completed what is needed to graduate.

Course Conflicts

The Department strongly discourages conflicts in a student's academic schedule. Regardless of conflicts, students are expected to complete all required course activities. Faculty members have no obligation to accommodate students due to course conflicts.

If you want to register for a course that will result in a schedule conflict, you will need the approval of both instructors and faculty advising office. Please fill out this form and return it to Engineering Academic Services: Course Conflict Form


Department Policy on Passing Courses

In undergraduate MECH courses where at least 50% of the final grade is assigned to examinations, students may only pass the course if they achieve a weighted average examination grade of at least 50%. The "examination grade" includes scores from the final examination, midterms, and other tests done individually in a classroom setting. This policy applies unless it is explicitly waived by the instructor in the course syllabus.

Department Policy on the Release of Grades and Course Reviews

All final grades for MECH-coded courses (excluding graduate thesis and seminar courses) are reviewed and adjudicated by a committee chaired by the Associate Head, Teaching and consisting of instructors of all courses offered in a given term. No grades may be considered final until they have been approved by this committee, and ultimately the Department Head. Meetings are held once per term to review the conduct of courses and their grading practices, review and adjudicate marginal cases, identify students who may need guidance or support, and identify students who are excelling. Finalized grades will be uploaded to the Student Service Centre.

Term Meeting Date Marks Typically Available
1 January, 1st week of classes By midweek of the second week of classes
2 Beginning of May By the end of the second week of May. Priority given to graduating students. Mech 2 may be delayed.
Summer Varies Dependent on courses offered and completion of projects.

Calendar Policies Related to Grading

UBC Calendar Policy on Review of Assigned Standing: This policy describes the steps to take if you believe that there was a mistake in marking and you deserve a higher grade.

UBC Calendar Policy on Viewing Marked Work: This policy details how to view your final exams for pedagogical purposes.

Exam and Course Accommodations

Students may be eligible for exam and/or course accommodations in certain exceptional circumstances. Please see the Academic Calendar policies listed below for more information on the various types of accommodations for which students may apply.

  • UBC Calendar Policy on Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Academic accommodations help students with a disability or ongoing medical condition overcome challenges that may affect their academic success. Examples of accommodations include being given extra time on exams or having a note taker. Students with disabilities should contact the Centre for Accessability.
  • UBC Calendar Policy on Academic Concession: Academic Concession is given to students in certain circumstances where conflicting responsibilities or unforeseen events may adversely affect their attendance or performance in a course or program. Examples include (but are not limited to) representing the university in a competition, observing a religious rite, ill health, family emergency, changes in the requirements of an on-going job, etc. For more information on types of concessions and how to apply, please visit UBC Student Services.
  • UBC Calendar Policy about Writing Deferred and Supplemental Exams: Under certain circumstances the University grants students permission to take deferred (at a later date) or supplemental (in addition to the usual exam(s)) exams. See the Calendar policy for the procedure students must follow in order to be granted deferred or supplemental exams.
  • UBC Calendar Policy about Exam Hardships: Exam hardships are when three or more formal examinations are scheduled within a 24-hour period. In this circumstance, students may reschedule their second exam within that 24-hour period by following the procedure outlined in the policy.
  • University Exam Conduct Guidelines: Students should familiarize themselves with the university's policy on conduct during exams. Failure to comply with this policy may result in students being dismissed from the exam and/or other disciplinary measures.

Snow Days

During severe weather such as snow in-person classes at Vancouver's Point Grey campus may be cancelled (or offered online depending on the instructor), and non-essential services may be curtailed. Check www.ubc.ca for updates on the status of classes and services on campus.  In the case of an extended period of adverse weather conditions, please reconfirm any potential closure each day.

The University's Snow Day policy can be found in the UBC Extreme Environmental Conditions Policy (SC5) and listed under UBC Safety & Risk Services' Take Action page:

"As per the Snow Policy, if UBC is subject to extreme winter weather conditions, the administration may decide to cancel or reschedule classes and/or curtail non-essential services. You are advised to check www.ubc.ca in the event of extreme weather for updates.

We recommend UBC students, faculty, staff and campus visitors to also download the UBC Safe Vancouver app and  turn on your push notifications to receive immediate information (e.g. weather advisories, class cancellations, etc.) and updates that are impacting the entire campus.

For information on UBC’s winter weather protocols for faculty & staff, visit Human Resources."

MECH Online Services

Open Hours: 8 AM – 4 PM

If non-essential services are curtailed, our Administrative  & Student Services staff may be available online. Please see MECH Student Resources and Services for student resources, find general information at Contact Us, or look for someone specific in our Faculty and Staff Directory to reach out.