Mechanical Engineering offers a wide range of opportunities for students. Students have access to world-class instructors and facilities, and begin hands-on work in our Machine Shop in their first week of MECH 2. In third year, students tailor their degree to their interests with one of our Options, and can begin to explore research opportunities. In fourth year, students tie all their studies together by completing a year-long Capstone design project with a real-world client.
Click on the tabs below or take a look at our Course Planning and Registration Guides to learn more about our curriculum:
- 2024W Course Planning and Registration Guide v. 1.6
- 2024W Visual Timetables – Year 3-4 courses by Option
Course Lists
Program Options
45X Capstone Design
Enhance Your Degree
There are a wealth of opportunities to enhance your Mechanical Engineering degree. Gain work experience in UBC Engineering’s co-op program, study internationally through the Go Global or Coordinated International Experience (CIE) programs, or explore academic interests through a Minor.
The Engineering Co-Operative Education program provides an excellent opportunity for you to gain practical industrial experience to complement your formal engineering studies. The periods of industrial experience will extend the duration of your engineering studies by one year. Among the many positive outcomes of participation in the Co-op program are that it:
- Teaches you how to work effectively in the working world;
- Helps you decide on your future career objectives;
- Gives meaning and context to your academic studies;
- Makes introductions to potential future employers;
- Provides an income that helps pay for university study costs;
- Creates a work record that is attractive to potential employers.
Participation in the co-op program generally requires adding an additional year to your degree.
Go Global (otherwise known as exchange) is an exciting opportunity for our students to take Mechanical Engineering courses at another University, and get credit for it! With over 54 partner universities, our students have the choice of studying in 1 of 23 other countries.
Learn more about Go Global!
The Faculty offers the following four minor programs. Learn more about Minors and Dual Degree Programs.
Minor in Commerce
The Minor in Commerce option is a Faculty-wide option available to students who desire a stronger foundation in business. Upon successful completion of this Minor, the notation “Minor in Commerce” will be placed on the student’s transcript. Admission to the program is strictly limited on a competitive basis. The minimum requirements for consideration are a cumulative average of at least 68% (over the past two years) and eligibility for third year standing. Preference is given to those who have already completed either ECON 310 and 311 or ECON 101 and 102. In general, completion of the Minor will take an additional term.
Minor in Honours Mathematics
The Minor in Honours Mathematics option is a Faculty-wide option available to students wanting a stronger foundation in mathematics. Upon successful completion of this Minor, the notation “Minor in Honours Mathematics” will be placed on the student’s transcript. Admission to the program is strictly limited on a competitive basis. The minimum requirements for consideration are a cumulative average of at least 68% (over the past two years) and eligibility for third year standing. In general, completion of the Minor will take an additional term.
Minor in Science
The Minor in Science is a Faculty-wide option available to students wishing to pursue more courses in the sciences. Upon successful completion of this Minor, the notation "Minor in [subject of minor]" will be placed on the student's transcript. Minor programs are restricted to courses in the Faculty of Science that are acceptable for a B.Sc. major or honours in the proposed subject area or field. Note that a Minor in Science in Mathematics is distinct from a Minor in Honours Mathematics. The Minor in Science consists of at least 18 upper-level credits either in a single subject area or area of specialization, together with any necessary prerequisites. Entry into the minor is restricted to students eligible for third year standing with an average of at least 68% in the previous two years, and continuation in the Minor requires that students remain in Good Standing.
Minor in Arts
The Minor in Arts option is a Faculty-wide option available to students who are interested in the liberal arts, humanities, or social sciences. Upon successful completion of this Minor, the notation “Minor in Arts” will be placed on the student’s transcript. An acceptable minor program must comprise courses in the Faculty of Arts that are for credit toward a B.A. degree and must consist of 18 upper-level credits in a single subject or field of specialization. Students should design a coherent and academically sound course of studies for the proposed minor. The program must be approved by an advisor in Engineering Academic Services on the recommendation of an advisor from the appropriate department or program office within the Faculty of Arts. All courses must be acceptable for a B.A. major in the proposed subject area or field, although the student is not bound by other requirements of the Faculty of Arts. A dual degree and a minor in Arts cannot be combined, although a student may pursue a minor within the B.A. degree.
Get Involved!
Broaden your network, meet new people, develop your skills, or take a break from studying with one the many engineering student groups! Whether through student government, design teams, professional organizations, or any of a dozen other ways to get involved, extra-curricular activities complete the university experience.
Read more about some of the ways to get involved, including a list of MECH student teams and clubs!