Three Mechanical Engineering students are among this year’s APSC Rising Stars. This highlights and celebrates the accomplishments of a few outstanding students who are graduating during the 2011-2012 academic year.
Alexander Winardi, M.Eng.’12, Mechanical Engineering “As globalization has become a key factor in the world’s economy, I strongly believe I can no longer identify myself as a Canadian engineer, but rather as a global citizen.” |
Amanda Li, B.A.Sc.’12, Mechanical Engineering “I was surrounded by peers who asked insightful questions on how everything worked and why we did things a certain way. There was a culture of learning, of caring and of hard work.” |
Doug Downing, B.A.Sc.’12, Mechanical Engineering “As they have been accepted into the engineering program, incoming students will already have the smarts, but maybe not have the skills to deal with the inevitable adversity that will hit them at some time during their studies. . “ |
Read the full article here.