Mechatronics Networking Reception

UBC Mechanical Engineering’s Mechatronics program invites industry members in the mechatronics field to get to know our program and students in a networking reception. Program Director Professor Yusuf Altintas will give an overview of our curriculum and the combination of mechanical, electronics, instrumentation and software skills students gain in our highly competitive undergraduate and graduate mechatronics programs.

Industry representatives can meet upper-year undergraduates who are poised to enter the job market, as well as Master’s-level students with more specialized skills. Mingle with our students and ask them about their capstone design projects, or find a master-level student to collaborate with on a design project for the summer. Students will have their CVs available. Refreshments are provided.

When: February 8, 2024 | 6 – 8:30 PM
Where: UBC Vancouver (Point Grey Campus)

If you have any questions, please email for details and the registration link. See you there!