Dr. Sheldon Green (Department Head) and Dr. Steve Feng (Associate Head, Teaching) recognized the Mechanical Engineering department’s outstanding student leaders at the annual Leadership Awards Lunch on March 31st.
“The Department admires and appreciates the dedication you bring to serving your student team or group and indeed the broader engineering community,” Dr. Green told the recipients, adding the quote from anthropologist Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
The Mechanical Engineering Student Leadership Awards are given to undergraduate and graduate students who have continually excelled in being effective leaders among their peers and in their communities.
This year’s recipients were:
Scott Churchley (not in attendance)
Jay Leong (not in attendance)
Tianci Niu (not in attendance)
Bing Nong Su (not in attendance)
Nancy Qiu Chu
Alexandra Dozzi
Xiaohang Fang
Kurtis Harms
Blake Henderson
Simon Honigmann
James Howard
Samarth Joshi
Ashley Mak
Arthi Muniyappan
Eli Nemtin
Adrian Prince
Neil Roberts
Oleksiy Serdyuk
Chun Kai Wang
Maziyar Jalaal (not in attendance)
Julie Kerr (not in attendance)
Please join us in congratulating our student leaders!