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Mechanical Engineering Student Hengameh Hoseini wins Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation 2010 Scholarship.

  Mechanical Engineering Student Hengameh Hoseini wins Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation 2010 Scholarship. Third year student Hengameh Hoseini has been named one of the nation’s top-five undergraduate engineering students in this competition and will receive the $5000 British Columbia regional scholarship. Hoseini, a third-year mechanical engineering student, is committed to “making communities stronger and more […]

Dr. Pete Ostafichuk from the Mechanical Engineering Department wins the Killam Teaching Prize

“Dr. Pete” Ostafichuk wins Killam Teaching Prize Dr. Pete (to the hundreds of MECH 2 students who have been through our program) Ostafichuk has been awarded a Killam Teaching Prize in recognition of his outstanding teaching. Dr. Ostafichuk has been the prime mover behind MECH 2 since its implementation. In the six years MECH 2 […]

Dr. Altintas elected as the Fellow of University of Tokyo

Professor Yusuf Altintas from the Department of Mechanical Engineering has been elected as the Fellow of University of Tokyo for his academic contributions in metal cutting mechanics, machine tool vibrations and control. The graduate students and postdoctoral fellows of Professor Altintas will be able to spend research periods at School of Engineering, University of Tokyo

Professor Elizabeth Croft elected Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering

UBC Mechanical Engineering Professor Elizabeth Croft has been elected Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) in recognition of her significant engineering achievements and contributions to the engineering profession. Elizabeth Croft is a dedicated engineer, scholar, teacher and mentor, who is passionately devoted to supporting, promoting and increasing the participation and retention of […]

Professor Antony Hodgson appointed as the new Director of the Biomedical Engineering Program

Mechanical Engineering Professor appointed as next UBC Biomedical Engineering Program Director effective July 1, 2010. Professor Hodgson earned a joint MIT-Harvard Ph.D. in Medical Engineering (1994). Since his Ph.D. he has focused his research in three areas, all related to biomedical engineering: human motor control, minimally invasive surgery, and computer-assisted orthopedic surgery and has taught […]

Ario Madani and Sean Delfel receive awards for their papers at the Paptac Annual General Meeting

This year at the Paptac Annual Meeting in Montreal, Mechanical Engineer PhD candidate Ario Madani won first place in both the Alkis Karnis award for best poster and the Henry Bolker award for Best paper presented in the graduate student conference.  The title of his poster and presentation was: “Fractionation in yield stress fluids” by A. […]

Jennifer Pelletier chosen to be the honorary president of the EUS

Jennifer Pelletier, Advising, Recruitment and Senior Program Assistant for Mechanical Engineering has been chosen to be the honorary president of the EUS for the 2009/2010 school year.  This is the first time that a staff member has been selected to hold this position, and this honor recognizes Jennifer’s tireless efforts to support students in Mechanical […]

ROBOstudio @ YVR during Olympics

On display at the Vancouver International Airport from January 17 throughout the Olympics in the international departures area. ROBOstudio features two sets of studio projects designed by collaborative teams of architecture, mechatronics (mechanical engineering) and engineering physics students: the first projects (PS1 SKIN) are retrofits for buildings on UBC campus whose envelopes have problems with their performance. These […]

UBC researchers to lead two NSERC Strategic Networks worth $10.3M

Researchers at the University of British Columbia have received $10.3 million in funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) to lead and coordinate two Strategic Networks in machining and biomaterials technology. NSERC today announced $56 million in grants for 11 Strategic Networks. The grants fund large-scale, muliti-disciplinary research projects that could significantly […]

Department Scholars Named

UBC Mechanical Engineering designated their first group of Department Scholars at a Celebration of Achievements reception on Wednesday, January 13, 2010.  The Department Scholar designation was created to recognize the outstanding calibre of graduate students in the Department, and their achievements in their studies and research. The 2009-2010 Department Scholars are: Jeffrey Abeyskera Amir Aliabadi […]