Interdisciplinary AURORA Transportation Testbed Announced

Walter Merida makes AURORA announcement

Yesterday, Dr. Walter Merida, Mechanical Engineering Professor, Associate Dean, and director of the Clean Energy Research Centre, announced the launch of AURORA, UBC’s new connected vehicle testbed. He was joined in the Kaiser Atrium for the announcement by MLA Bowinn Ma, Parliamentary Secretary for TransLink, and AURORA lead researcher Dr. David G. Michelson, professor of Electrical and computer engineering. AURORA is a connected network of roadside cameras, monitors and vehicles that will be used to rapidly gather traffic data, which can be analyzed and used to make our transportation networks safer and cleaner. This interdisciplinary project brings together researchers from mechanical, civil, materials, electrical & computer engineering, as well as architects, policy makers and business. It is supported by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Transport Canada and industry partners.

Read more about AURORA.