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UBC Engineering students set to launch ‘sailbot’ to Hawaii

UBC Engineering students set to launch ‘sailbot’ to Hawaii

This article originally appeared in APSC News. Raye is the first autonomous, robotic sailboat designed by students to cross the Pacific. Editor’s note: After an unsuccessful launch attempt in Victoria due to technical and weather challenges, Sailbot announced on September 12 that Raye’s launch is now rescheduled for summer 2023.. Get ready for the next leap forward in […]

Two NAME students awarded 2022 Jagdeep Singh Bakshi Scholarship

Two NAME students awarded 2022 Jagdeep Singh Bakshi Scholarship

The 2022 Jagdeep Singh Bakshi Scholarship in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering has has been awarded to two NAME Master of Engineering students, recognizing their excellence in the two areas of the award: Visal Katamaneni for leadership and Yves-Etienne Landry for academic excellence. The Jagdeep Singh Bakshi Scholarship continues the legacy of this late industry […]

Mechanical Engineering welcomes robotics researcher Dr. Kefei Wen

Mechanical Engineering welcomes robotics researcher Dr. Kefei Wen

Robotics specialist Dr. Kefei Wen is joining the Department of Mechanical Engineering’s faculty team as an Assistant Professor. Coming to UBC from a postdoctoral fellowship at the Continuum Robotics Laboratory at the University of Toronto, Dr. Wen’s research focuses on physical interaction between humans and robots, specifically parallel robots, and his research interests also include […]

MECH, MAL lab, ICICS involved in UBC-Fraunhofer Collaboration on Industrial Digital Transformation

MECH, MAL lab, ICICS involved in UBC-Fraunhofer Collaboration on Industrial Digital Transformation

Within APSC, the collaboration is being supported by the Manufacturing Automation Laboratory (under the leadership of Prof. Yusuf Altintas), the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Bradshaw Research Initiative for Minerals and Mining, and the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems. Aerospace, automotive and machine tools manufacturing can look forward to new digital services that […]

Marine Industry selects winning designs at 2022 NAME Student Design Celebration

Marine Industry selects winning designs at 2022 NAME Student Design Celebration

This spring the UBC Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering program returned to an in-person Student Design Celebration for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. After two years of online student presentations, we were able to welcome back our marine industry colleagues and alumni to a sold-out evening of networking, dinner and design. […]

Research collaboration on cancer therapy receives CIHR Project Grant

Research collaboration on cancer therapy receives CIHR Project Grant

Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor Hongshen Ma and the School of Biomedical Engineering’s Professor Megan Levings have received a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant to support their research collaboration on chimeric antigen receptor cell therapies used to treat cancer. The purpose of the CIHR Project Grant Program is to “contribute to the creation […]

UBC team deploys pollution-sniffing mobile lab

UBC team deploys pollution-sniffing mobile lab

Watch out, Vancouver. The PLUME van is coming soon to a location near you. An “air pollution lab on wheels,” PLUME will be used to measure concentrations of air pollutants across the city including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ground-level ozone, black carbon, methane, volatile organic compounds, and various sizes of ultrafine particles that can affect […]

A person wearing gloves places a sample in a microwell plate

New “See-N-Seq” technology enables RNA sequencing of specific single cells identified using microscopy

The Multi Scale Design Laboratory (MDL) lead by Professor Hongshen Ma has recently published a new paper, “See-N-Seq: RNA sequencing of target single cells identified by microscopy via micropatterning of hydrogel porosity”. MDL researchers have developed a new method, “See-N-Seq,” that uses a micropatterned hydrogel to capture target cells for single cell RNA sequencing. This […]