Students + Teaching

Mechanical Engineering at UBC Vancouver is known for outstanding learning opportunities at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
Our award-winning second year Mech 2 program grounds undergraduate students with a foundational knowledge of the discipline before they can choose to tailor their degree with one of our Options. We integrate design projects in every year of instruction, giving students the chance to do hands on work throughout their degree.

We also place a high value on co‑curricular learning experiences, resulting in: approximately two thirds of students participating in the Co-op Program; ten engineering design competition teams and three professional association student chapters considering Mech to be their home department; and a number of other student groups choosing to be officially affiliated with Mech.

Degree programs


  • B.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering:
    • General program
    • Aerospace Option
    • Biomechanics and Medical Devices Option
    • Mechatronics Option
    • Thermofluids Option
  • Partnered delivery of B.A.Sc. in Manufacturing Engineering


  • Research-based M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in Mechanical Engineering
  • Professional Masters programs:
    • Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in
      • Mechanical Engineering
      • Mechatronics Design
      • Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
    • Master of Engineering Leadership (M.E.L.) programs in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and Clean Energy Engineering (delivered in partnership with Chemical and Biological Engineering)

Research faculty typically teach three courses per year (one large undergraduate, one technical elective, and one graduate course).  Educational leadership faculty teach five courses per year (typically undergraduate level).  Lecturers teach six courses per year (typically undergraduate level).  New faculty generally start on a smaller load.

Our core curriculum can be viewed in the academic calendar, along with course descriptions.  Terms run September – December and January – April, with some limited offerings in the summer terms (May – June and June – July).

Teaching Support

Several supports are available to help faculty develop their teaching: