Second Place at the ASHRAE 2010 Student Design Project Competition

Second place was awarded to MECH 457 students for their entry in the ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-conditioning Engineers) 2010 Student Design Project Competition in the HVAC System Design Category.

There were 14 schools that made it to the national level in the HVAC System Design category. This year’s competition included the HVAC system design for the Ginsburg Tower at Florida Hospital in Orlando.

The UBC team is affiliated with the Mechanical Engineering Design Project (MECH 457) course, where students work on a variety of design projects including HVAC design.

The UBC’s ASHRAE Design Team included; Jacob Allen, Kelly Ng, Branislav Cvijetinovic, Jason Le, Esteban Kello. Geoff McDonell P.Eng. from Aerius Engineering was the mentor, and Dr. Nima Atabkai from the Mechanical Engineering Department served as the team advisor and supervisor.

The award includes a trip for one team representative to attend ASHRAE’s Winter Meeting in Las Vegas in January 2011.  It includes travel and hotel for two nights. The team representatives will be attending the ASHRAE Student Program on Sunday, January 30, 2011 for recognition.

Congratulations to our students and many thanks to Dr. Van der Loos, Mr. Cramond, Mr. Fengler, Dr. A. Hodgson and Mr. Winkelman, as well as all Mech Department staff and faculty that were a part of the MECH 457 class and helped make the project such a success.

The UBC ASHRAE Design Team: (from left to right) R Kelly Ng, Jacob Allen, Jason Le, Baki Cvijetinovic, Steban Kello (not present)

The UBC ASHRAE Design Team: (from left to right) R Kelly Ng, Jacob Allen, Jason Le, Baki Cvijetinovic, Steban Kello (not present)

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