See yourself at UBC Mechanical Engineering
Join our dynamic team of faculty, instructors and staff in pursuing world class research and education at UBC’s stunning Vancouver campus.

Current Opportunities

Faculty & Staff

Term Faculty Roles


Teaching Assistantships


What are the Department’s primary goals?  The Faculty of Applied Science’s?  The University’s?

What are you doing about equity, diversity, inclusion and indigeneity?

      • Mech has a very active EDI.I committee, under the leadership of our Associate Head for EDI.I and Engagement.  The committee is active in education, engagement, and culture change.  They work cooperatively across departments and across the university, specifically engaging with the Applied Science EDI.I team.   EDI.I is included in our curriculum.

What are you doing about climate change?

    • Mech has a sustainability committee, under the leadership of our Associate Head for EDI.I and Engagement.  They actively work to educate colleagues and students about sustainability, climate change, and the environment.  These topics are also being included in our curriculum.

What are the differences between Professors, Professors of Teaching, and Lecturers?

    • “Professor” without a qualifier refers to a research-stream, tenured and fully promoted faculty member.  A “Professor of Teaching” is an educational leadership stream, tenured, and fully promoted faculty member.  Each of these starts at the rank of Assistant, and then rises to Associate with tenure. A lecturer is a teaching stream faculty member, and is a renewable term appointment without tenure.  Research stream faculty typically teach three courses, whereas educational leadership faculty teach five, and lecturers teach six.

How are faculty members represented to the University?  How does bargaining work?

    • The Faculty Association represents faculty, including all tenure-stream ranks, lecturers, librarians, and program directors in extended learning. The Association undertakes collective bargaining on salaries and economic benefits on behalf of its members, and represents members in grievances and arbitration.  The Association also participates in a number of joint committees with the UBC administration and is active in provincial and national faculty associations. Membership in the Faculty Association is automatic with acceptance of your appointment.

What benefits package does UBC offer faculty members?

    • Details of the benefits package can be found on the HR website.

All applications must be submitted online through the University’s job application portal:

Who can I ask process-related questions to?

Who should I contact if I need to confidentially request accommodations for disabilities and/or other special needs during any stage of the process?

  • Please email Jen Pelletier, Senior Manager of Administration, at

Mechanical Engineering regularly hires term faculty to teach one or more courses during the academic year. This includes sessional faculty, teaching adjunct faculty, visiting faculty, and teaching appointments of existing Ph.D. candidates and Postdoctoral Fellows. The Mechanical Engineering Department has openings for Sessional and Adjunct Lecturers starting at the beginning of each academic year.

Please visit the term faculty information page for full details on open roles and how to apply.

Teaching Assistantships

We primarily hire for our TA roles in April for the upcoming academic year, but opportunities may arise throughout the year. For information about our TA openings, how to apply, and our application portal, please visit our Teaching Assistantships page.

Other Student Roles

We have occasional roles available for undergraduate or graduate students, as well as undergraduate research opportunities through the NSERC USRA and Work Learn IURA programs.  Openings are posted as they are received, under "Current Opportunities" above.