This year, CREATE-U students gave the following presentations:
Ahijit Banerjee on “Flow characteristics to treat gastrointestinal bleeding”
from research in the Industrial and Biological Multiphysics Laboratory, under the supervision of Professor Dana Grecov and mentorship of Dr. Mehdi Jahandardoost
You Cheng on “Using machine learning to predict blood transfusion quality via deformability changes during storage”
from research in the Multi-scale Design Laboratory under the supervision of Associate Professor Hongshen Ma and mentorship of Erik Lamoureux
David Downey on “Non woven fabrics and cotton flannel mixed masks offer a sustainable improvement to woven cotton masks”
from research in the Aerosols and Energy Lab under the supervision of Professor Steven Rogak and mentorship of Hamed Nikookar
Arthur Feng on “Low-cost screening of sickle cell disease in Canada and Nepal”
from research in the Stoeber Lab, under the supervision of Professor Boris Stoeber and mentorship of Pranav Shrestha
Curtis Geffner on ” Measurements of Tissue Fracture Toughness in Dynamic Needle Insertions”
from research in the Stoeber Lab, under the supervision of Professor Boris Stoeber and mentorship of Pranav Shrestha
Simon Jang on “Understanding Air Quality in Rural India; Low Cost Sensor Calibration”
from research in the iREACH (Integrated Research in Energy, Air, Climate and Health) Lab under the supervision of Assistant Professor Naomi Zimmerman and mentorship of Sakshi Jain
Peter Lin on “Piezoelectric paper: a study on effect of fiber content on mechanical and electro-mechanical properties”
from research in the Stoeber Lab, under the supervision of Professor Boris Stoeber and mentorship of Dr. Kanagasubbulakshmi Sankaralingam
Student are encouraged to submit their posters to UBC’s Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC), which will take place in the spring of 2023.
CREATE-U prepares participants for research with insights many graduate students only gain when they enter a lab for the first time. Besides giving undergraduates a head start, the program benefits the graduate student or postdoctoral mentors who support the CREATE-U students in the lab by providing guidance as they gain their own experience towards supervising a trainee. Faculty members gain access to skilled undergraduates who are receiving research training outside of the lab.
Admission to CREATE-U is based on broad criteria and all interested undergraduates are encouraged to apply. Students can check the undergraduate Research Opportunities page to find out more about the 2023 program, where projects and the application portal will be available in December. Faculty members who wish to submit a project for 2023 should contact Jen Pelletier (