Mattia Bacca
Research Interests: multi-scale mechanics of materials

Agnes d’Entremont
Research Interests: orthopaedic biomechanics, human joint kinematics, magnetic resonance imaging of the musculoskeletal system, paediatric orthopaedics

Adrien Desjardins
Research Interests: imaging and sensing, robotics, photonics, ultrasound, medical devices, machine learning, biomedical applications

Dana Grecov
Research Interests: liquid crystals and nanomaterials, multiphase flow, biofluid mechanics, non-newtonian fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, rheology and tribology

Antony J. Hodgson
Research Interests: computer-assisted surgery, medical robotics, surgical simulators and skill assessment, neuromotor control, biomechanics

Hongshen Ma
Research Interests: microfluidics, instrumentation, cell sorting, cell biomechanics, circulating tumor cells, malaria and red blood cell deformability, single cell technologies, cell migration and chemotaxis

Thomas Oxland
Research Interests: biomechanics: spinal cord injury, aging spine, orthopaedic implants

Srikantha Phani
Research Interests: mechanics of lattice materials and devices, dynamics and vibrations, mechanics of small scale systems

Robert N. Rohling
Research Interests: biomedical engineering, medical imaging, medical information systems, robotics

Boris Stoeber
Research Interests: microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microflow phenomena, sensor technology, integrated microsystems for biomedical applications and for environmental control

Machiel Van der Loos
Research Interests: robotics: rehabilitation robotics, human-robot interaction; design: design for safety, design methodology and design coaching, roboethics

David R. Wilson
Medical Robotics
Research Interests: Understanding health and injured knee mechanics and motion, exploring links between bone architecture, joint mechanics, and cartilage degeneration.

Lyndia Wu
Research Interests: injury biomechanics, wearable sensors, traumatic brain injury, sleep disorders, sensors and instrumentation, data mining and machine learning

Yuan Yao
Research Interests: biomaterial manufacturing and engineering, nano/microfabrication and 3D bioprinting, tissue engineering and organ regeneration, therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular disease, biomimetic hydrogel scaffold